Thursday, October 09, 2008

Wanted - Cliff


Clifford Joy

Also known as Klatch, and, The English Leprechaun

Long overdue for hanging, said Villain shall be apprehended forthwith and punished to the full extent of the law. His crimes so outrageous as to prevent moral men from writing them down, much less the anguish should women and small children read of them. Verily, even his long suffering spouse does wish he was well hung.

All true and Loyal subjects of his Majesty be warned. This blackguard’s affiliations are as inconstant as a woman’s whims. For 2/6 he will turn his coat in a trice. One moment he sides with the hated French and their heathen savage allies. The next he disavows all affiliation and knowledge. Though he be dressed in manner like one of Rodger’s Rangers, they claim no knowledge of him. His closest known associate, Major Jaeger, fully as hairy as Joy, is cut from the same cloth and is more beast than man.

No man, woman, or beast alive knows his face as it has for decades hence been concealed ‘neath a matted beard, bespeckled with remnants of his last several meals. Small animals, vermin and birds may well live within.

Petite of stature his limbs are yet wiry and none should underestimate the quickness of his actions or mind. He oft times portrays a clumsy and offish manner with which to lull his opponents into a state of unwariness. Only then does he shew his true colors. Which are oft times than not, Oafish and clumsy.

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